Saturday, April 25, 2020

The hermits

Second part of April's entry to the OWAC, I've used some flagellants, initially bought for my Pfeildorf army, to build a regiment of gunners, inspired from John Blanche's illustration you can find in the artbook "Blood on the Reik".

Gerontius, the Blind Priest (Blood on the Reik)
I wish I could produce something like Gerontius, the blind priest, but my sculpting talents being what they are, meaning inexistant, I've simply trimmed down some details, removed the flails and the clubs, and glued some bits from the Empire handgunners and free company boxes. Et voilà!

Fear the wild bunch!


  1. Une unité assez originale au final. Le fusil du premier est top !
    Tu devrais faire un remake des jezzails avec un porteur pour un de ceux-ci :D

    1. Ouaip. Bonne idée... mais tu te rappelles de mes talents de sculpteur :p ceci dit, je vais regarder...

  2. Outstanding. I love the tally-marks on the one.

  3. Super quality conversions and paintjob :)
