Thursday, August 3, 2023

OWAC VI - Conclusion

Another OWAC, another army completed. After four participations, I realize that a strong background is the key (at least for me) to keep ideas flowing and renew my interest throughout the duration of the challenge. For the lost crusade of Pieter the Pious painted in 2020, I have looked for inspiration in John Blanche's illustrations for "Blood on the Reik". For the mercenary dwarfs painted in 2021 and 2022, the illustrated chronicles of Diebold Schilling were of great help. This year, flipping through the pages of "Death on the Reik", I have (re-)discovered an incredibly rich scenario, full of weird ideas, and nicely illustrated by late Martin McKenna.

Below the pictures of the resulting Castle Wittgenstein project.

Before moving on to the next project, I plan to complement a few things: more peasants (sigh...), maybe more crossbowmen, and probably a few riders. We'll see what I can do in the coming months. 

Thanks for stopping by on this blog!


  1. Such beautiful work! You are a master!

  2. OMG - this is sooo good. Inspiring!

  3. Another great accomplishment !
    La combinaison des sculptures et de ta peinture est un régal comme on en voit peu.

    1. Merci, ça fait plaisir ! (même si je n'y suis pour rien pour les sculptures :) )

  4. C'est quand même bien beau ! (mais moins que la slovénie :P)

  5. Your armies are just so incredible. Tons of character, amazing painting, and dripping in oldhammer style
