Saturday, August 27, 2022

Chastel the Devious and Kelaz the Brutal

After 10 years dedicated to the painting of Warhammer armies with old Citadel modes, I have decided to have a break, and paint some miniatures released by Temple of the West, based on the Confrontation universe. The two models painted here have been sculpted by Yannick Fusier, designer of some iconic miniatures for Rackham (his dwarves 😍). 

Chastel the Devious is not his best work, but I wanted to paint the couple, as illustrated by Gary Chalk.

I have slightly modified the model of Chastel, by removing the club glued in the back of his coat, and replacing it by a piece of brass wire.


Kelaz the Brutal is more rewarding to paint, but I have to admit that the final result is below my expectations. Blame the years spent painting small Citadel dwarves 😋


  1. Drôlement cool de te voir les peindre. Tu t'en tires bien avec le barbare géant parce que franchement ce n'est pas sa meilleure...

    1. Comparé à Chastel, je ne l'ai pas trouvé si mal, ce barbare. Mais la pose complique la peinture : j'ai dû coller le bras et masquer la jonction avant de peindre, et je vois que la peinture de la lame manque vraiment de finesse... sans parler de l'arrière, où j'ai fait le fainéant :/ Bref, ça pique, la reprise sur des figs aussi grosses !

  2. I like the paintjob on Kelaz and will refer to it when picking out the details on mine. Due to age, I've got to pick up some prescription glasses for reading, as I could only see stuff better when it's 12 inches away - not great for working with figures!

    I've got several of these barbarian "giants" and other Kelts and will eventually paint and field them as mercenaries from Albion for WFB. The size difference with Citadel figures is explained away by them being descended from giants.

    1. Good idea. And definitely cheaper than trying to buy the original giants of Albion!
