Same old dwarves, painted for the second or third time... Despite my efforts, it seems that I'm only able to paint rear rank miniatures these days...
Same old dwarves, painted for the second or third time... Despite my efforts, it seems that I'm only able to paint rear rank miniatures these days...
It's been two months since my last post, and I have little to show: two slightly converted Marauder Miniatures (MM10 and MM15) to strengthen one of the units painted during the OWAC IV.
As for my next move, I really don't know.
I've lost my enthusiasm for the Pfeildorfers, and although I'm only short of a few miniatures, the perspective of painting 20 to 30 more Marauder Miniatures (the remaining citizen, the mounted knights, the command group and the wizards) bores me by anticipation :|
As for the swiss dwarves, I clearly see the path forward: complementing the halberdiers and the pikemen, then a second regiment of quarellers, a new regiment of thunderers, a few warmachines, the mounted general and the High Priest of Grungni, plus a few warrior-monks... But again, the perspective a spending one more year on them seems... uninspiring.
Well... Let's hope my mojo comes back before the end of the year!