Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Marauder halberdiers

And we are back in Pfeildorf! After a welcome "dwarf break", the last two halberdier models I had to complete the city watch. 

Nothing much to say, this is the second or third time you're seeing these models on this blog :)

And then what? Well, I still have a lot of Marauder Miniatures waiting for their basecoat, but I have to admit this perspective is a little bit disheartening... too many years spent on this army I guess. In need some vacations, far from the Empire :o)


  1. Great job with the nmm, as always! The halberdier with the hat and the feather seems to be particularly successful: the warm tones of the beard and the hat, the breeches and the shield make an excellent contrast with the gray of the armor. For your "vacation" outside the Empire, could the orc-populated Badlands be a destination?

    1. Thanks. Could be the badlands, but not this year :)

  2. Great job tout ça, tout ça...
    Sinon, ils sont ou les hobbits chocolatiers ?
    Et puis tu as raison, il faut passer à autre chose ! Skavens ? Elfes ?

    1. Rhaaa, ça me fait chier de passer à autre chose, j'ai pas fini... mais j'en ai marre... mais j'ai pas fini... mais j'en ai marre... etc. etc.
