Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Mounted Guard (part I)

Hello everyone and happy New Year! After painting about sixty infantry in 2024, it's time to tackle my nemesis: horses! 

Since I've decided to give a try to Spearhead rules, I need to paint 5 knights and one mounted commander to field a proxy of a Cities of Sigmar force (and possibly one great cannon to replace the mortar painted last year).

Let's start with the knights of the White Lady's close guard. 

My plan was to use metal miniatures with barded horses in plastic, but I've realized that the scarf hanging on the side of the reiksguards made the junction between the legs and the torso difficult, and I've used instead legs in plastic. I have also decorated the piece of armour protecting the horse's head with a skull and a feather.

In terms of painting, I have opted for relatively simple patterns, already used on the banner of the foot guards: thorns surrounding the interlaced initials of Adélarde de Montfort and her late husband Heinrich. 

To be honest, I'm a little bit disappointed by the final result.


  1. Excellent stuff, sublime work on the pattern which is a nice story, and the feathered skull is a nice touch.

    I only know of the WW2 Spearhead rules from the 1990's.

    1. Thanks Mike! Spearhead is a new set of rules for small bands (around 15-20 miniatures) in the Age of Sigmar universe.

  2. Agreed. Subtle & understated.Lovely work. I like the more grassy than usual for you basing too. The unit will look fabulous.

    1. Since I've kept the bars under the horse to fix it to the base, i had to fill the gaps with putty, rather than the usual piece of cork. Hence the grassy look!

  3. That thorn pattern is mesmerizing - really elegant, clean free-hand. And like Mike above, I had not heard of Spearpoint before - looking forward to checking it out.

    1. The name is Spearhead. thanks for the thorns, took hours to paint :p

  4. Very nice and a lot of work on the freehand and is eye catching even with the more muted pallete over all feel compared to your usual work but is very good all the same. Unit of 5 should look impressive.

    1. yup. a little bit too muted for my taste, given the number of hours spent on this model. I should probably rework the lance... and maybe the piece of armour on the horse's head.
