When I first saw the dwarf landship of Paul Robins among the 1991 Golden Demon winning models, I was totally amazed by the quality and the originality of his entry, trying to identify all the miniatures he had used to achieve his masterpiece. The multiple boar heads ornementing the cabin roof and the sides of the ship, the swivel guns, the head of the Tzeentch Demon as figurehead, the step-ladder and the cannon of the Marauder Miniatures dwarf siege gun, and so on...
Paul Robins - 1st Place Diorama - Dwarf Landship. "This scratchbuilt landship has been completely rigged out with ropes and pullies and a host of other details. Paul has even fitted out the interior with a bed and a library of books on the wall of the cabin. It's this attention to small detail, as well as the humour of this piece, that made it a winner". (White Dwarf issue 140) |
The funny thing is at that time, I didn't know that the core of this ship was a real model, edited in the eighties by Games Workshop: the Dwarf Juggernaut, a steam-powered warmachine, which preceded by a decade the Empire steam tank (now we know that the human race stole our technology ^_^).
And guess what, thanks to Thomas from Germany (thanks again!), I am now the proud owner of a dwarf juggernaut. Of course, since I have only one model, I won't try to convert it, even if, if I remember well, I had bought some swivel guns and other artillery pieces with this idea in mind... Anyway, here is a couple of pictures of what I've just received for my 40th birthday.
Needless to say that there's a lot of preparation to do before considering painting this monster: I don't know when I can start working on this model (I have to finish my unit of warriors first), but I hope the final result will be worth the time (and the money!) spent on it.