Thursday, December 19, 2024

2024 wrap-up

2024 has been a shitty year for many reasons. I lost a very close family member, then had a stupid accident that kept me away from the paintbrushes for several months. And this depressing theme army didn't help. Anyway. 66 models painted in a year, it's a significant accomplishment, at least by my standards. 

As always, taking pictures of an army is a pain (and quite disappointing).

In terms of game, I have managed to play half a battle (4th edition rules) where my Swiss dwarfs fought against Chaos. It worked not so bad... until the Great Unclean One and his knights reached my regiments.😥

For 2025, we have decided to give a try to the Spearhead rules, to be able to play a game in one afternoon. Still undecided on the army to pick...

In the meantime, I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year!


  1. It’s a beautiful army. Well themed, thoughtfully recruited, subtly converted & fantastically painted. You should be rightly proud of yourself.
    Merry Xmas and a happy new year to you too. Keep doing what you’re doing.

    1. I second what Citizen Sade said. It is a very well thought out and executed force.
      I don't think I am being untrue when I say that the collection is a nice piece of art.

    2. thanks; glad you like the beginning of this army!

  2. I allways find your projects well founded and superbly executed. You are one of my hobby light-houses and your posts are a must-read for me. Up your spirits and keep pushing on 2025!!!

  3. Masz lepszy wynik niż ja :D Twoje prace są bardzo inspirujące. Wszystkiego dobrego w 2025!

  4. Brilliant army - it looks fantastic. Hopefully 2025 is a better year for you. All the best.

  5. Jaeckel, I'm really sorry to hear about your family member (and also your accident). Here's to hoping that 2025 is a significant improvement.
    And don't be disappointed in those photographs. The army looks amazing. I love those flagellants!

    1. Thanks Matthew! 2025 can't be worse than the past year... hopefully..
