Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The fools

All right, first month of the OWAC III, I knew that I could use the end of the winter break to paint my most populated unit:15 fools who gave up everything to follow Pieter the Pious.

As mentioned in the introduction post, my plan for this challenge is to use a wide range of Citadel models that couldn't join Pfeildorf's troops. No feather or fancy clothes here, more the medieval kind, most of the time without any piece of armour and, when necessary, equiped with wooden shields (bought years ago to Hasslefree Miniatures and unfortunately, out of production now - yep, even the accessories are OOP here!).

In terms of colors, I've made tests on a first model, slightly modified by adding a candle on the helmet, something I had seen earlier on this Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay illustration:

The Watchman - Carrier art for WFRP 4th Edition

This very ordinary "Imperial Foot Soldier" (his official name) was painted using a limited palette composed of VMC Dark Sea Blue (highlighted by VGC Bonewhite), and a few brown, grey and beige tones. I've also tried to spare some time with very simple bases: a single layer of Agrellan Earth, highlighted with VMC Tan Yellow and then Pale Sand. As I was reasonably satisfied with this first trial, I've used again and again the same tones on too many models, giving something too regular for a bunch of zealots lost in Araby.

From left to right: Harwood, Mercenary, Imperial Foot Soldier, Ernst Stoutheart and Adolf

I've tried then to change the overall look by removing the Dark Sea Blue from my palette. And whenever possible, I've added some candles to illustrate their religious inclinations. Below a few pictures of my attempts:

Mercenary and Mercenary swordsman
Altdorf Axeman and Mercenary Captain
Gunther, Albrecht and Bardach
And finally, the command group:

Marauder Citizen CZ19, Sir Monne de la Monte and Harwood

Family shot! 

See you next month with the noblemen!


  1. Et de une! J'adore suivre le owac, y a toujours pleins de bon trucs 😀 Tu prends des photos par groupe de deux / trois figs !? Exception ou nouvelle résolution 2020 😀?

    1. Pas le temps de faire des photos détaillées. En plus la peinture pêche un peu parfois, mieux vaut ne pas trop zoomer

  2. Toujours aussi génial. Monne de la Motte et le porte bannière sont juste extra.
    J'avoue que les socles 'classiques' me manquent, mais le rendu global de l'unité est génial.

    1. Merci. Pas totalement convaincu par ces socles non plus, je n'exclus pas de les reprendre après la conclusion du challenge...

  3. Amazing! I especially love the command group.

  4. Du beau travail comme toujours.
    Cette petite armée ne va pas manquer de cachet !

    1. Bah, soit je finis cette armée, soit je déménage... pas tranché encore :p
