Friday, February 26, 2021

OWAC IV - The pikemen - Part II

Standard bearers are probably the most time consuming models in a regiment, and this one was no exception. 

Chronicon Helvetiae Part I - Page 230

The emblem of the BlackHorns clan being the famous auroch of the Grey Moutains, I've searched for inspiration in the existing banners of the Canton of Uri (left: Sempach banner, 1386 - right: Julius banner,1512)...

... and finally used as a starting point the coat of arms of the Warhammer Ostland :) 

Painting on curved surfaces while keeping the proportions can be tricky sometimes. Below a few pictures (shot with my smartphone, a little bit dark I'm afraid) showing how I have processed: 

  1. Copy the model on a square paper; 
  2. Draw a grid on the flag (based in white); 
  3. Draft the silhouette, using some reference points on the grid; 
  4. Fill the silhouette; 
  5. Clean the messy paint strokes and the grid with several layers of the basecoat (here Vallejo Model Color Filthy Brown)

Still a few additional hours to spend on shadows, highlights, and all the tiny little details (the tongue I had initially forgotten). And you're done!

 The back is far less glorious :p


Another idea I found in the illustrated chronicles Luzerne Schilling:

Luzerne Schilling - Page 123

These naked hairy men are "woodwoses" or wild men of the woods, and they were sometimes used in medieval representations to present coats of arms (in our case, Lucerne and Uri). Anyway, these beards tinted in the colors of the Cantons is a nice touch I had to try... with mitigated results I would say.

Next post, I'll show you the other models painted for the BlackHorns clan.


  1. Je connais bien le désavantage d'un drapeau par rapport à une bannière... Le drapeau a deux faces, voilà la triste vérité :)
    et pour ne rien arranger, durant la renaissance y avait que des drapeaux :) Hu hu hu
    Sinon, très chouettes. Le Thèmes des drapeaux de villes/cantons Suisse va te permettre d'utiliser pleins de couleurs. A bientot!

    1. Merci ! La suite sera un peu moins historique je pense...

  2. The flag is fantastic: it seems to me that the choice of the brightest shade of yellow, similar to the Uri flag of 1386, is very good. Thanks also for describing the steps - we will copy the technique at the earliest opportunity! Perhaps for the pikeman the large white doublet creates a too sharp detachment between the yellow of the beard and the black of the breeches, colors that work very well when combined ...

  3. Très chouette. Faut essayer l'idée des habits tout poilus ! (et j'attends mon unité de hobbits chocolatiers...)

    1. Ouais, ça me trotte dans la tête, cette idée de nains sylvestres. Je vais tenter une petite bande de sauvages, à partir des figurines de tueurs les plus dénudées, en les remplumant au greenstuff. Ca c'est l'objectif... reste à savoir comment je m'en sors en sculpture :p
