Friday, February 1, 2019

Baroness Etelka Toppenheimer

It's time to paint some heroes!

As you may remember, the Sudenland was governed by the Grand Baroness Etelka Toppenheimer until 2515, when she was forced to resign and accept the re-unification of her province with the Wissenland. But the now reduced Baroness of Pfeildorf is still appreciated by her subjects, and whenever required, takes up arms to defend her former province.

OK: this is the character I wanted to lead my Pfeildorf's army. For this general, I had in mind using the massive High-Elf MM83 unicorn. I also wanted to include some spare bits from an uncomplete MB15 imperial pegasus, in particular the saddle and the backrest. The most difficult part was to find a proper rider, the high-elf mage being... well... too elfish for my taste.

The range of female warriors being rather limited for Warhammer, I've finally selected a Matriarch from the Mordheim Sisters of Sigmar, and transformed her into a rider by giving her the legs of the plastic Empire/Freeguild General. As you can see below, I've also replaced the initial hammer of the Matriarch by a cavalry lance, which seemed more appropriate for a mounted hero.

I've slightly extended the saddle so that this new rider can sit on it, and replaced the missing lance in the back of the backrest by a crowned skull. I still hesitate to add some equipment on each side of the unicorn, but the model is more or less ready for painting.

And the assembled model:


  1. An absolutely brilliant conversion! That unicorn is the best, I use it for my Chaos General's mount as well. ;)

    1. Thanks! I'm still working on a few details on the unicorn, I should start the painting job next week.

    2. Fantastic. Ya I did quite a bit of subtle green stuff work on mine as well. Mostly on the mane, and made the eyes bigger.
      Here’s the orginal build:
      And here he is leveled up with a new skin:

  2. Tu te donnes carrément du mal là. La conversion a un côté clairement baroque dans la surcharge que ton style de peinture sobre devrait contrebalancer. Ca promet un beau résultat final :)

    1. Ben merci. Pas encore sûr des teintes sur la licorne, j'espère ne pas me planter :p

  3. Wonderful conversion. I look forward to seeing this painted :)

  4. What a great mix of old-, middle-, and newhammer!

  5. So much potential in this detail-filled miniature. Good luck on the project and can't wait to see the first colors applied to this piece.

  6. Alors là je suis impressionné ! Il me tarde de voir le résultat final !
    Brilliant !

    1. Merci ! J'ai depuis raboté le tronc et les jambes de la dame pour avoir un corps un peu plus compact

  7. Voilà un beau morceau de plomb, y'a bien presque un kilo :)
    C'est vrai que la licorne est un peu massive mais ça va bien avec tout son arnachement qui est important, au final ça fait un bel ensemble. Tu as bien fait de raccourcir la cavalière.
