Friday, April 11, 2014

Half a regiment in 6 months...

I knew from the beginning that this regiment would be hard to complete, but six months to paint only 10 dwarfs... This is ridiculous! Anyway, here are the first two ranks of this glorious regiment.

Now, let's do the maths: one warrior with shield and spear = 12 points, multiplied by 12 to take into account the musician and the standard bearer... 144 points, that is 24 points per month. 

Considering that I have already painted
  • 20 crossbowmen = 260 points
  • 20 warriors with shields, double handed weapons, musician and standard bearer = 286 points
  • 10 hammerers with standard bearer = 176 points
  • 1 fire thrower team with light armours = 60 points
At this pace, I'll need 7 more years to complete a 3000 points army... Sigh.


  1. Less is more :) - and that unit looks stunning. Excellent work. Mr. Jaeckel

  2. The spent is well worth it! Your brush-work continues to blow me away.

  3. They look great as a unit, Jaeckel. Well done. Very impressive!

  4. For a long time I have observed your work with the dwarves, and I have to say, it is a masterpiece, I liked the style, and just hope that the 10 dwarves that  I have to paint fit me half as well as yours.

    Greetings and congratulations for your work.

  5. Well thanks you all, I'm glad you appreciate these little buggers :)

  6. C'est vraiment magnifique, c'est en partie à cause de toi que j'ai envie de faire des Oldies ^^ ! Et quand j'aurais une armée de Battle prète (pas pour tout de suite) j'espère qu'on pourra se taper dessus :) !

    1. Eh ben merci, content que ça te plaise ! un conseil, prends du Chaos ou de l'elfe-qui-coûte-cher en points, parce que sinon on est bon pour faire du Batteul en maison de retraite :op

    2. Yes j'ai pour projet de faire du Slaanesh avec Realm of Chaos mais il me manque encore de l'elfe noir Oldschool et j'ai pas assez se guerriers de chaos et marauder, et je te parle pas des cavaliers....^^ et du champion aussi ! Bref encore de l'investissement et là je suis plus en mode Rogue Trader/40k V2 démons de Khorne.

  7. 7 ans, oui mais ça a sacrément de la gueule! :)

    1. Le problème, ce sont les autres armées qui attendent derrière :/

  8. slow but steady wins the race, as they say
