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Friday, July 15, 2022

OWAC V - The Priest of Grungni

Last model painted for the OWAC V: the Priest of Grungni, a MM10 Marauder wizard, with the mitre and the crozier from an old Bishop in the Citadel C46 Villagers range. 

Pictures are a little bit blurry, but you have the idea.

There is still a plan to give him a wagon, but I have to admit that my momentum for this army is a little bit lost.


  1. Very nice figure, which harmonizes well with the late medieval Swiss (before the Reformation), and which with its clearly Christian-inspired clothing recalls the period in which Citadel & Co. exploited Christian symbols in the fantasy universe, and then soon avoided them.
    We would not want to appear too pretentious, but the main problem of this dwarven army is that it lacks a GENERAL MOUNTED ON A PONY: after an initial appearance he left making excuses for a very secret mission, and he never reappeared again... Army patrons have already specified that if the general does not reappear soon they will suspend payments in gold, and that can only mean one thing for the dwarves: DISASTER! ;)

    1. Totally agreed. This damn' general keeps avoiding the camera. Probably because he's too pale with his white undercoat :p The plan is still to paint him! But I got distracted by some warmachine...
