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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Bergjaeger #3

This third scout comes from the MM62 Citizen range: I have slightly modified the original model by adding a bow and a few arrows in his back, so that he better fits in the band of foresters.

For the hawk, I've tried to follow the indications given by this picture:

And here is my first trio:


  1. The huntsman looks superb. You have done a great job on the hawk as well.

  2. J'adore ! Je ne connaissais pas ce modèle.

  3. Bien que le chasseur soit un chef d'oeuvre en lui-même, je suis surtout bluffé par l'oiseau qui est criant de vérité.
    Cette armée s'annonce des plus somptueuses !

    1. Eh bien merci. Je suis plus sceptique sur ce piaf, mais je suis content que tu l'apprécies :p

  4. Jaeckel - although it's such a small touch, I think adding the bow really enhances the miniature. It balances out the composition of his form.
    And, as always, the painting is soft and superb.
