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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Maximillian the Brave

New violation of the Marauder-only rule, this model comes from the Citadel Fighter F2 range. As it's an Aly Morrison's design, I guess we can accept him in the City Watch :) As you can see, pictures are still very dark, I don't understand where it comes from. Anyway...

One last model and the 20 mandatory Hellblitzen required by the Warhammer Armies book will be complete. Not totally happy with the way this unit is going (too dark)... and I'm also concerned by the 10 crossbowmen I have to paint to finish the mandatory troops. Well, we'll see...


  1. Great material for RPG character :)

  2. For what it's worth, I think the darker scheme fits the setting - dark and grimy, not at all like D&D where everybody showers regularly :)

    1. ...and where all have white, healthy teeth ;)

    2. Well. Thanks. The problem is the militia had a funny look, and these guys look sinister. Not very consistent in the same army...

  3. C'est joli !
    Par contre, il me semble, cher maitre, que le dos est un peu sombre par rapport au devant, compte tenu de sa pose très penchée.
    Je me prends quand même parce qu'il a une super arme :D

    1. Pfff... m'en parle pas. Toujours infoutu de rendre correctement le cuir (l'espèce de châle marron qu'il a sur les épaules). Mais je prends note, il faut que je fasse plus attention :p

  4. Tu arrives à le rendre intéressant à regarder individuellement malgré la sculpture franchement à la serpette. Bel effet sur sa pelle à tarte :)

    1. Ouais. Mi-hallebarde, mi-pelle pour mettre les pains au four :p Bon, pas fan de la figurine non plus, mais comme je l'ai achetée...

  5. J'aime beaucoup la pose et le travail effectué, peinture et socle...magnifique!

  6. He looks grand - and I think he will fit in very well with the Marauder sculpts!
