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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dwarf spearman #1

All right, time to start a new regiment! According to my army list, I have a second unit of dwarf warriors to do, and I've decided to equip them with shields and spears.

Compared to axe, hammer or even sword, this weapon is rather rare in the Citadel range, and it's not so easy to gather a coherent group of miniatures with arms ranging from javelins to pikes. To tell the truth, I'm not sure that the band I have collected will work in its current state (I've even included one of Bob Olley's dwarves!) but I hope the shields will help to uniformise the whole.We'll see...

So, my first model is the first warrior (DW1) of the MM10 Dwarf Marauder range. Nice helmet, but the scale armour is a nightmare to paint.


  1. Very nicely done, as ever! I know what you mean about the lack of spear armed dwarves in the old Citadel ranges. I've always thought polearms to be essential in a dwarf army to help even the odds a little against more mobile enemies. The Marauder Landsknecht style pikemen are good, as are White Knight's similarly inspired dwarves (do they have spears?!), but they're not always what you might want. I was considering converting suitable models to spearmen but won't hack up my dwarves unless I have duplicates. Anyway, look forward to seeing more of the unit.

    1. Agreed, landsknecht style pikemen are great, but their style is too far from this army.

  2. super chouette, comme d'hab'...
    je ne me souvenais plus du tout de cette pièce... ni de ses copains d'ailleurs... ça n'a vraiment pas vieilli et c'est un vrai plaisir à regarder surtout avec une telle mise en couleur :)

  3. Fantastic as always! Kev Adams sculpted some dwarves with spears for Heartbreaker Miniatures which can now be found in Ral Partha Europe's webshop.

  4. La broigne du torse est mieux gérée que celle du dos, mais c'est de l'ordre du détail.
    Tu nous reprendras une photo de l'ensemble bientôt?

    1. L'ensemble des lanciers ? Heuu... c'est à dire que pour l'instant, ils ne sont pas nombreux :p

  5. Je n'avais encore rien posté sur ce blog, mais tes nains sont vraiment un régal pour les yeux.
    Ces figurines ont énormément de personnalité, et ta peinture leur en donne encore plus et les mets parfaitement en valeur.

    Bon courage pour la suite !

    1. Merci pour les encouragements... les rangées de nains, ça use ça use :p

  6. great start for your dwarf units, keep up the good work.
