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Monday, December 3, 2012

Crossbowman number 6: Jorj

So, here comes the difficult time when an Old Lead lover has to admit that oldies do not always make goodies... See this guy for instance: the only reason why I bought him twenty years ago is because he was part of Wayne England's dwarf army. But honestly, this model is really ugly :-p

The interesting point with such figures is that you can try some things you wouldn't dare on a nicer model. Here for instance, I wanted to test the Wargames Foundry viking shields, and, as you can see, they're definitely too big for dwarves (even if in this precise case, it's rather a plus, for it hides many details!). I've also tried to add some celtic designs to the black cross, by looking for inspiration in the concept arts made for the excellent animated film "The Secret of Kells". Here is an example:
(you can find plenty of them on the web, don't blame me for the copyright!)

And here is what I've tried to do (remember it's a test before booing me ^_^)


  1. Hmm... I'll admit the shield maybe is to big for dwarves... but i don't remember this miniature as horrible?! (having painted one myself some 10 years ago or so) And your version doesn't quite convince me of it being horrible neither :) It really looks ok!

    1. Thanks! The beard and the hair are a nightmare to paint properly...

  2. I don't see the problem. Jorg looks freaking great! You're way too hard on yourself. The shield coloring and design looks natural and beautiful. Love the rosy glow he has...like he stopped at the bar on the way to the battle. Great work!

    1. Thank you Mouse. I'm quite happy with the shield coloring too, and I'll try to keep that line for the next shields... provided I find smaller ones!

  3. Tu te plains d'avoir galéré mais c'est très réussi. Ta peinture rajeunit la pièce et il a un bon air de vétéran avec ce bouclier.
    Tu aurais une photo de l'armée de Wayne England?

    1. Thanks heu merci :o) Il y a des toutes petites photos dans un post du mois d'octobre. On ne l'a jamais vu entière cette armée !

  4. I wouldn't say it's an ugly sculp, he has ....character. I must admit I struggled with the hair too but I think you've done a great job. I really like the shield too.

  5. I really like this miniature instead, can't find as horrible as you say, he's one of my favourite dwarf, because he stands out from the crow so I recently bought this on on ebay too. The only thing I don't like is that this minia is too much inclined forward. Great paint job anyway

  6. Well, thank you. You're right, he's not that ugly, the proof is I've recently bought another one :o)

  7. I like him, he's clearly a veteran campaigner, who clearly has seen that he who has the bigger tends to live the longest :D

